"All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost."

"It is with the utmost affection for my own children and autistic children everywhere that I share these stories."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

On the Spectrum #95: The Wonder-Jake!

(click to enlarge)
I had a lot of fun drawing this.  : )

Hopefully I'm not dating myself too much with this one.  I assume most people with grade-school aged kids remember the Super-Friends growing up, right?  And the Wonder-Twins, Zann and Jaina?  Well, if not, you can Google it.  ; )

In any case, Jacob has a tendency to go into what we call "puddle mode," usually when when we're walking in a public places, parking lots, malls, etc... Very frustrating, and sometimes not very safe.  Anyone else get this sort of thing?

Oh, and... HAPPY HALLOWEEN, everyone!  Hope everyone has a fun and safe time trick-or-treating!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Comic delayed due to pink-eye

Ugh.  This is awful!  Michael got it first (presumably brought it home from school), then DW got it and now it's my turn.

BTW... Why on earth do they even give you eye-drops to use on an Autistic Child when there are oral antibiotics you can take instead?  What the heck?  Has anyone else had trouble administering eye-drops to their child? Autistic or otherwise I guess, but come on!  They may as well hand me two sticks and some duct tape and ask me to build an airplane.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wikio / Autism Blog Ranking

Whoever sent me the Wikio / Autism Blog Ranking email, can you  PLEASE re-send it? 

It tripped the spam filter in my e-mail and and when I hit the "Not Spam" button, the program went and deleted it anyway!

So if you're seeing this, I'm not ignoring you.  Just having software issues!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

On the Spectrum #94: Issue #1 / #1 Issue Redux

(click to enlarge & feel free to pass on!)

This is a updated version of issue #1 of "On the Spectrum" because the final push is on, in Michigan anyway, to address one of "On the Spectrum's" #1 issuesAutism Insruance Reform!

As readers in Michigan may already know, autism insurance reform legislation passed the Michigan House last year and for the past several months, the legislation has had seveal hearings before the Michigan State Senate. Compelling testimony has been provided by those who attended, describing the incredible burden placed on families trying to provide treatment for their loved ones on the specturm. In addition, a strong case has been made that the state of Michigan’s economic health and recovery depends on this much needed reform.

What all of my readers in Michigan need to do now is contact Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop's office at (517) 373-2417, ask him to move the Insurance Reform Legislation forward now, and ask at least ten of your friends to do the same! Remember to be courteous when you call, and ask for his leadership on this issue. Let him know that autism insurance coverage means a great deal to your family and is the fiscally responsible thing to do for Michigan. 

There are 23 States down, and 17 to go.  To anyone reading this in one of those 17 States:  If you send me the info on the appropriate State Legislators, I will gladly run this again for your state once the time comes to step up the effort. And,m as always you are more than welcome to download the image above and use it in your own campaigns of mailings, if you wish to.

It's been a long road to get this far in Michigan, but progress is finally being made, both here in my home state and all over the country.  Let's keep up the presure!

For more infomration, go to AustimVotes.org

Sunday, October 10, 2010

On the Spectrum #93: Who's Your Alpha, con't

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You know how I mention last week that Michael had learned not to leave his food unattended where the dog could get it?

This was how he learned. LOL.  (And yes, that's exactly what he said afterwards.)

Tried a little mock-impressionism with the emotional panels.  Might do that some more, might not, we'll see.  Let me know what you think.  (Be gentle though - first time! LOL)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

On the Spectrum #92: Who's Your Alpha?

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I assume we're not the only ones with a wanderer at meal time?

Jacob has a habit of getting up about fifty-seven times a meal.  So he's always the last one finished.  He's also the ONLY one who ever leaves food unattended (Michael's learned) so Haley pretty much knows who to camp out near at dinner time.

You'd be surprised how often this still happens. LOL

Oh, and... first appearance of Haley, our dog.  We've had her since Michael was about one and a half, before we knew he was autistic, and just after Jacob was born.  She's a Border Collie - Australian Cattle Dog mix.  She's a good dog (apart from her table manners) but she hasn't really figured into any of the stories so far, so I've never drawn her in.  (Also because she's kind of hard to draw! LOL)