"All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost."

"It is with the utmost affection for my own children and autistic children everywhere that I share these stories."

Saturday, August 15, 2009

On the Spectrum #2 - Preping the 'Sitter

(click to enlarge)

This conversation DID take place as depicted, but it was aditedle many year ago. Since then, Michael has absolutely started talking (getting him to STOP is harder now) but Jacob still doesn't listen!

However, if I were to make tee-shirts, or some kind of logo for OTS, it would be 'three monkeys' theme: with Michael covering his mouth (speak no evil / doesn't talk), Jacob covering his ears (hear no evil / doesn't listen) and DW covering my eyes (see no evil / loves 'em anyway!)


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