"All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost."

"It is with the utmost affection for my own children and autistic children everywhere that I share these stories."

Sunday, August 16, 2009

On the Spectrum #31 - 'E' is for 'Echolalia'

(click to enlarge)

Just in case you were wondering... :)

(Full image recycling count up to 6. See OTS #'s 5, 14, 18, 27 & 29. Partial recycling count remains at 3, see OTS #6, 24 & 26. LOL)



WarrenSensei said...

Well... so doubt that he gets the concept...!

Scott Lynn said...

When I originally posted this on the old MySpace blog (LOOOONG time ago! LOL) I including a little back story with it... He was being echolalic about something, IDK, let's say "a is for apple." And after 100 times, I said, "Yeah and 'e' is for 'echolalia!'"

And then I heard THAT for the next 20 minutes. LOL